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Bug Fix: 12/7/16

Written by Admin  Posted on December 07, 2016
Hello again! It's time for some updates on the eternal hunt for immortality bugs.

As some of you know firsthand, we tried to fix some problems with the Quest system yesterday with no luck. Today we've put in place a few changes that I hope will suffice. For one, we are not currently able to auto-decline the Hourly and Daily Quests. I've added some text at the top of each page that hopefully explains to new users that there is NO detriment to Declining these Quests.

The other problem we had in the Quest system was duplicates. For some reason, the Story Quests were duplicating so that you would see 2 of the same Quest. One fix we tried actually duplicated the Requirements and Rewards as well, which was a big mistake. We've rolled that back and we're trying something new now. Story Quests should now become available to you only when you click the "I can help!" button. We believe this may eliminate the duplication problem. Please report here if you still get duplicates!

In some good news: we heard your suggestions to add some way to check which Tools are Equipped in your Kitchen. Check out the new tabs! We hope this makes Cooking more convenient for everyone.

Finally: the Marketplace is done! WAHOO! We're making our last round of testing, but this means you should be able to use the Marketplace to set up your Store very, very soon!

As always, thank you all for your help making Tattered Weave the best it can be!

Edit: Club reminded me of one other minor update that happened last night. Tabs are now labeled with the page titles! No more clicking on 6 tabs to find the right one! YAY!


< and > carrots in a Message delete parts of the Message - status: fixed!

a bunch of mobile layout changes - status: some have been fixed; others are in progress


Sometimes the Games don't download graphics to your computer properly. Sometimes Memory seems to freeze when resetting a level. We don't know why yet. Close the window, refresh your cache and try opening the game again to fix this problem.

The security questions dropdown has repeat questions, whoops. We've disabled the security questions on the unlock request for the time being, so you should be able to unlock your account without them.

Item names may sometimes stretch the images in your inventory, in shops, etc.

The Restock Shop timer occasionally glitches. (This will be fixed after public launch.)


Search (items and usernames) Status: on hold
User Stores - Status: DONE! We're in the final stages of testing now! :D

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