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Home » News » Halloween Event: The True Battle of Summer Tutorial Tutorial

Halloween Event: The True Battle of Summer

Written by Admin  Posted on October 15, 2024
[Catch up on the Event so far]




I've tried so many tactics to prove myself to You and get my transformation back! I've tried to show You that I don't believe this heretic, I’ve doubled my training, I’ve done everything I can think of!

Almost my entire battalion has lost their own transformations, too… Oh, please, do not take my clumsy words for ingratitude! I’m thankful that You let my second-in-command keep her transformation, thank You so much, but… Hypatia is just one warrior! With the untransformed barred from the front lines until we recover our abilities, we have so few who are fit to lead the fight, and the Snarls keep coming! A single transformed person can’t protect a whole squadron of foot soldiers – and how long before she gives into her mounting injuries?!

Summer, these are good soldiers! Good people! They’ve served You for such a long time – they don’t deserve to keep dying like this! Dying without my help! Dying without me…

Are - are You punishing them for something I’ve done? If so, please! FORGIVE ME!

Please forgive me…

Is there still proof I can offer You, that I’m just… too STUPID to see? I… I know I'm not the brightest. But You never cared about that before…

It was enough that I was loyal and brave…

Have You turned from me because I’ve let the fear in my heart keep me from my place among my battalion? Would You return to me, if… I returned to the battlefield… to face the chance of death without my Mystic powers to shield me…?

Would that… prove myself to You…?

Or… have You really forsaken me forever…

The cursed visions that I keep seeing, whenever I close my eyes…

The Heretic God of Story – this Narrator – my friends from Hope warned me that he filled people's heads with WORDS, but I wasn’t expecting IMAGES! So awful, so vivid, so REAL…

But it isn’t Summer. IT ISN’T! Not that – that horrible Kallinikos, with so many rising up to defy him – and him not even looking his opponents in the eye! NOT EVEN SHOWING UP!

Just - sitting back in a distant room, causally waving his fingers, using his magic machines to… mindlessly slaughter them…

No challenged opponents. No show of skill. No honor, no respect. And his targets – some of them weren’t even ARMED! Just – just CIVILIANS! Some of them were CHILDREN…

All swallowed instantly in a blaze of automated death. Over and over AND OVER –

While he didn’t even bother to watch…

I don't know who that man was, but - but the God of Summer would NEVER have favored his battles, NEVER! Summer is honor and passion and glory, all that is most noble in war –

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