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Event Update: Breaking Into the Vault

Written by Admin  Posted on July 18, 2024
Ohh, I think that’s it… I think… No! I know we’ve done it now! Doubt is… defeated! That last battle was so tough, but it’s finally over!

Thank you, everyone, for fighting with all that you could muster! And for believing in yourselves… and in me.

And look! The waterfalls are slowing to a tiny trickle and… why, they’ve turned off entirely! Looks like our team of Kith was successful, too! Which means…

Now that the security systems have been turned off, we should be able to access the vault! Oh, how terribly exciting!!! It’s in the center of the Gallery, so it seems that historically, the gondolas have circled around it without ever landing there. Millefiori said that the vault is built in a series of concentric circles, and she’d only be able to get past any doors and systems in the outermost circle that were already breached by Specter, so we’ll see how far we can get today…

Ah! Oh my! See that arch unfolding towards us? She found the controls for a bridge, so we can all walk safe and dry over to see what’s inside! Oh, I can scarcely stand the anticipation…!

Now we’ll just – oof! – pry open the door, and…!

Oh dear! Careful, there’s piles of papers and canvases and other art supplies here, scattered about so wildly, and also what looks like… some sort of highly advanced machinery, I think? But it looks terribly worse for the wear…

All of this precious artwork feels too sacred to rush in and disturb without the Masterpieces here - this is their history, and this treasure truly belongs to them… Specter’s already gone. Perhaps we should wait until they arrive before we start going through everything? I sent some Kith to tell them to come and find us now that it’s safe. Is that them, in the gondola?

Ah, no. That’s Gloryglint, and, flying along ahead of her and past me without so much as “hello”, is Pandora, of course. Coming to “help” as they promised… Honestly, couldn’t they have waited for the Masterpieces to arrive?!

Well, never mind them for now, I see some Masterpieces making their way here through the exhibits, now that doors between them are all open too!

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