Site Contest: July 2024
Posted on July 16, 2024…wait…
Waitaminute… No… no! Those aren’t my thoughts - how dare you, you horrible vandal! You utter doodle! I’m too handsome to die! And these visitors aren’t too shabby either! Unlike you. You’re looking nearly scraped through, Doubt. They’re going to destroy you!
As… as soon as I figure out how I’m supposed to inspire all of you, so you can make one last big push…
Oh! How about another contest? Contests take a lot of confidence to enter - and the best way to fight Doubt is with CONFIDENCE! Which I… have plenty of!
Ooh, I know! For the July Site Contest, let’s do a theme of Self-Expression! It’ll be a Clothing Design Contest. I know, I know, what would someone like me know about clothing? But… I’ve always admired the bits and pieces that floated my way in the canal and I’ve always wondered…
I mean! No, obviously it would be a shame to cover up my perfection! But… there’s nothing wrong with looking, haha... And you folks seem to have a good understanding of the fundamentals of fashion and self-expression, so this should be easy for you! Design something that will let you dress yourself to express yourself!
The entries start today! The contest will end on July 30th at 12:00 (noon) CHT - and the winner will receive a Custom Clothing Submission so that they can submit their winning design, as well as a special In the Spotlight Achievement and some unique items, the Spotlight Showcase and Spotlight T-Shirt! Dazzling!
The winning entry is chosen based on the number of Cheers that it receives. And don't forget to read the Rules!