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Home » News » Code Update: 2/5/24 Tutorial Tutorial

Code Update: 2/5/24

Written by Admin  Posted on February 05, 2024
Hello everyone! Despite all the malicious code coming from Specter 2.0, I have some happy news to report! We've worked on some pretty major backend changes that should speed up the site on the Tailoring page, High Scores pages, and various Kith-related pages.

Additionally, any Kith who are wearing clothing will now automatically transform to their new stage of growth with their clothes still on! The exception to this is if your Kith has a special transformation such as the premium stages from the Kith Fashions shop or user-made submissions - your Kith will keep those special forms on unless you manually choose to change their form.

As a final note, we are working on a really huge change to the site that involves how our code is updated. This won't be anything you will notice on the site, but it has to do with our ability to update the site and make any fixes or add new code in the future. Once we finish testing this update, the site will be taken fully offline for several hours to implement the update. We'll let you know at least a week ahead of time when this offline period will happen, and we will ensure it does not happen during a limited-time event like Palentine's!

Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!

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