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Rainbow Flag Scalyx by Cremuex won the Art Spotlight! This Prismatic Scalyx has been running around with it's rainbow flag and playing with it's Spectrum friend. I think it just likes watching the colours flow in the wind. We tried to talk to it but it's hard to understand it with the flag in it's mouth...!
Home » News » Site Contest Winners: January 2024 Tutorial Tutorial

Site Contest Winners: January 2024

Written by Admin  Posted on January 23, 2024
[Catch up on the event so far]


UGH, why is there a twice-scorched alarm beeping?! I’m coding here-

Oh. Site Contest winner announcement? Huh, already? Argh, and just when I’m in a flow… But no, I gotta give you guys credit. There’s been some really great stuff in this material that you turned in, we’re talking some seriously ambitious engineering here - *koff*… *hchh*… I’ve been working on it nonstop.

Special shout-out to the winner of this month's Site Contest, Frog One, Purl Two by vorpalwyrm.

You got the most Cheers on your entry, so I set up an automated program to ship you your 100 Gems, plus the In the Spotlight Achievement, the Spotlight T-Shirt, and… *koff*… *hchh*… the Spotlight Showcase. Winning thread’s getting ported to the Archived Contest Winners Forum, while all other entries are going in the Past Contest Entries Forum.

Now where was I… Oh yeah, returning Xenia’s transmission.

Hey – it’s me. You sent a message saying something about some kind of possible breakthrough, yeah? How’s it going with -

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