Code Update: 8/21/23
Posted on August 21, 2023We've been hard at work on a new feature that is coming very soon... but until then, I'll tide you over with some minor code updates!
The "All Items" tab has been forcibly put back in place on the mobile version of the Premium shop, making it easier to find items without using the Search bar. I'm so sorry that the tab disappeared like that!
The Premium Clothing Preview page, having reached its character limit, has now been expanded to a second page. Moving forward, all new premium clothing sets will be previewed in this format instead of the old thumbnail format! Don't forget that you can still always preview all clothing in the Dressing Room at any time.
A few site typos and misleading error messages have been corrected.
The missing Forum pings and Trades to NPCs have started returning now that Cirque Faerial is no longer preventing those notifications from going through! You should expect more to arrive each week until all the replies have caught up with the present day again. Note that this was not a code bug, but merely an issue of needing more time for the staff to dedicate to writing NPC replies with our very large cast of characters.
Finally, we have updated some of the descriptions and dialog for Piper, Nicholas, Lycus, Kei, and Andre to correct outdated character information from before their recent character development.
As always, if you notice any problems on the site, please report them in the Technical Support Forum so we can work on them ASAP! Thank you all for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!