Event Update: Toying With You
Posted on August 02, 2023--
Toys strewn everywhere - games assembled out of stolen goods - this must be Cirque Faerial’s version of an arcade!
But… I don't see or hear any signs of Piper at all. That's a little w-worrying… Every other time, it seemed like we were so close to encountering her!
Did I get things wrong? Before I circle back to where Jay and Kei are standing watch, maybe I should reread my notes on Calypso’s files a few more times… There's something about them that’s been bothering me. Some gaps that I’ve been missing, that are scratching at the back of my mind - some pattern that I can't quite put my finger on…
Wait! I hear a voice at last! But that’s certainly not my daughter - who are you?
And… *sniff- cough!* O-oh dear. That sock must’ve been stolen from a pile of unwashed laundry-