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Site Contest: May 2023

Written by Admin  Posted on May 09, 2023
Who's ready for some rollickin' tales? Aye, it's time for the May Site Contest! And not a moment too soon, lemme tell ya - seems some kind of high tide came rollin' in when me back was turned, and washed away several trunks o' carefully-collected stories! I know, I know - X was just besides herself when we found all those chests bobbin' empty in the waves. It's tough luck, too, 'cause there were all sorts o' scraps gathered from ancient wrecks stored in there, includin' some real promisin' treasure maps...

But that's not the truest form o' riches to be found! So I thought, what if ya gather 'round and tell me some o' yer Treasured Tales in a Writin’ Contest! That'll more than make up for the loss!

The entries are startin' today! The contest's gonna end on May 23rd at 12:00 (noon) CHT - and the winner will nab 100 Gems, as well as a special In the Spotlight Achievement and some unique items, the Spotlight Showcase and Spotlight T-Shirt!

The winnin' entry is chosen based on the number of Cheers that it receives. And don't forget to dive deep into the Rules, or ya might find yer entry runnin' aground instead of sailin' smooth!

Can't wait!

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