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I Caught a High Score THIS Big by Taiga won the Game Spotlight! You like this new game... Trash Grab is it? Oh yeah, it's fun especially once you hit the bonus round, that's where it really kicks it up a notch, not to mention all that fanse--- huh? Wait... you HAVEN'T hit the bonus round?
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New Items: March User Submissions and something Funny!!

Written by Admin  Posted on March 31, 2023
A lil' more to the left!! No, no, not that left, the other left! UPWARD LEFT!!!! Oh wait, I'm hangin' on the ceilin'... DOWNWARD RIGHT! SORRY!!! MY BAD!!!! Sometimes I get a lil' confused on perspectives. Okay Rayne, that looks good to me!

Last month my ol' disco ball gots totally totaled durin' our epic all-night party by a certain UGLING bein' unwillin' to share the spotlight, but I need the gentle glitz an' glitter to really help me wind down before bed to fall asleep. Lucky ducky for me, I've been able to hire on a temp'rary replacement!!! Oki-dokie Amulet of Valor Firloom, you all comfy up there? Y'got enough snackies? Good, good! Now you just gotta gently spin for the next eight-to-ten hours an' I'll let you down after I wake up! If you need to come down for any reason you can use the walkie-talkie up there to contact Rayne!!

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